Monday, June 16, 2008

Lazy days

My vision isn't perfect yet, but it's still far better that it originally was. I'm keeping in mind that the eye doesn't fully reshape itself for several months, which is why I'm not thinking "jeez, it's been a week...why can't I see perfectly yet?!". I'm reasonable and more than happy with the gift of sight I've so far received.

So, since I don't start work until I feel comfortable enough to return (I'm banking on the first week in July if all goes well), what have I been doing with my little vacation?

The answer is...nothing really.

frankly my days have been spent online, or playing video games on my boyfriend's school roommate's xbox 360. He loaned it to me over this summer so he won't be tempted to waste his vacation playing at home. Needless to say, I didn't object.

I've got a bevy of games on my radar to get through and as my boyfriend decreed, my goal this summer is to reach over 4000 on my gamerscore. I'm at about 2500 right now so that shouldn't be a hard goal to reach. I'm planning on completing a few games at least:

-Lego Star Wars II
-The Orange Box (minus Team Fortress because I can't connect the Xbox to the internet)
-Tomb Raider Legend

It's not too many games so far, but I've got a ton to choose from so my list will probably grow over time. I would like to complete Crackdown, but it doesn't seem to want to let me play without freezing, so nuts to that.

Oh well, Lego Star Wars is a great game and I love the series (I have The Complete Saga for DS), and I'm in the middle of Half-Life 2 so I'll be busy for a bit.

I really should spend some time drawing with my Intuos3 too, perhaps tomorrow I'll have a nice background in-progress that I can post.