An Excuse to Look Like an Idiot's time to admit something deep and dark and silly...
I have cosplayed. And I'd do it again to dagnabbit, if it weren't for this lack of time, money, and uhm...ego.
I do love cosplay and have several friends who still dress up. I started back in 1999, and would like to think that my little group of Sailor Senshi helped make cosplaying anime at a Sci-Fi con (that still had anime in it) popular. I have won a few awards for my costumes, and gained little to no recognition on the internet. Thus, I have won in the world of cosplaying.
I've stopped mainly because I don't have many occasions to wear costumes anymore. And I rather enjoy drawing a little more than the real creation of the costume. Not to say I don't feel a sense of regret whenever my friends post their newest and greatest costumes, but well..maybe someday I'll pick it up again.
I just need a good motivator. This Halloween costume contest on Brickfish seems to be a good one though. I know I know, it says "Halloween" but in my mind, that means any costume.
Ah Halloween, how I miss thee. A great excuse for me to dress up like a character and not feel weird. I remember fondly my many years spent as a witch, and even my one fateful Hallows Eve when I dressed as James from Team Rocket, along with my friend who went as Ash (from Pokemon). We were such dorks, but we revelled in our dorkery.
I'm entering this Star Costumes contest on a whim. I know I won't win, but it's fun to enter at least.
It's really easy to enter, you don't even need a Brickfish account.
All you have to do is submit a Halloween costume (from your past or present) or even a design image.
Being the weenie that I am, I am forgoing my own created costume and decided to enter in this lovely lady:Her name is Uli, she rides a cow. I'm rather fond of her costume.
Cows are round and made for sitting
They are also good for knitting
large blankets that can be tossed over at a whim
Uli believes he makes an awful fighter
and would be far better if lighter
as the cow would be more fearful if it were trim
For now on her axe she relies
and anyone who crosses her dies
A cow is no good at tearing enemies limb from limb
....This is the reason I don't write poems...
Also included, BONUS COW POEM! written by my lovely assistant:
There once was a cow from the east
he was such a fearsome beast
but one day
to his dismay
he was chopped up and made into a feast
Far superior to my meandering mumbling, but sadly does not address the lovely bovine costume at all. Oh well.
I highly suggest you check out this great costume contest. It's fun to enter, even if you can't create your dream costume. The winner gets 2 three day passes to the Voodoo Music Experience in New Orleans, $1000 for travel & lodging, $100 to and will be featured on their site.
And if you don't enter, well, please vote for me, for Uli's sake.
Maybe if I win I can make a giant round cow for Uli to sit on. That would be much fun.
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