Thursday, October 9, 2008


I'm a pretty big supporter of body modification. As an owner of a few mods (tattoos, piercings, hair colour), I find it's important to know all about a practise that's quite old and has roots in ancient tribes. I pride myself on being fairly knowledgeable about modification, I learn the history behind how a certain trend came to be. Such as where stretched lobes and lips came from. How tattoos came to be and the reasons people get them in other cultures. Really, a person changes the way they look because they want to make a change in their life. Whether it's cosmetic, permanent, or painful, a person feels that at the point and time that they get their piercing, tattoo, or dye their hair, it's the right decision to make.

Though I've heard a lot of personal reasons to get a certain tattoo, and I have seen a lot of different of types, I've never seen anybody get an advertisement tattooed onto their skull. I suppose that will change at some point soon, as is holding a casting call for 30 adults to get their heads shaved and tattooed to be walking billboards in Los Angeles, ala:


Now, before we get into a discussion of ethics and morals and why it seems like a stupid idea for anyone to get a permanent ad tattooed on their body, don't worry. It's just a temporary henna tattoo. While I have seen a lot of logos tattooed on people, and my personal belief is that that's generally a bad idea, I'm all for an interesting ad campaign like this. A temporary message on the back of someone's skull is pretty jarring, and as anyone who has visible tattoos could tell you, it's a great spot for people to stare.

The campaign is all about traveling to New Zealand for a life changing journey. I suppose I've had my own life changing journey. Moving across country after my freshmen year of high school, I met my longtime boyfriend and I do believe that my life has never been the same since being with him. It's hard to think about what my life would be like if I stayed where I did, and never moved or met him, but that's pretty impossible to predict a future that never was.

So, have you experienced a life changing journey? Think you'd be brave enough to sign up to get your head shaved for

To quote the great Noel Fielding, "It's hard to know what you'll look like when you shave your head. You have no idea what your head will look like, or if you'll have that little bit at the back." Which is why I will never shave my head. Also, I like my blue hair too much. But who would be a good candidate for such a cranial billboard?

Celebrities, of course, would be the best for this campaign. Britney Spears aside, you know you'd love to see Angelina Jolie bald with a tattoo. Thanks to online competition communities, we can have some idea of what Angelina Jolie might look like bald.

You'll have to imagine the ad on her head herself. You know she'd be perfect because Ms. Jolie is such a huge star, it would make national news if she shaved her hair off.

Of course, she'd never do such a thing, but it's fun to imagine.


Anonymous said...

Wow.. Angelina looks just gorgeous with hair and with her head shaved (I understand that it's computer graphics, but still)... Beautiful woman