Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Everything's Gone

Everthing's out of the old building. We're moving to the new one this week, even though next week my boss is on vacation so I get to work from home (yes!). It's quite excellent.

Today was a mess of running around between the movers and seeing what was free to take and what we should trash/take to the new office.

I made out with a free printer, some sparkling cider and various art supplies.


Now I'm somewhat tired, but happy that that's all done and I'll get to use my fast little laptop instead of the dinosaur of a computer I've had to use.

Oh also, we have to create a book that will be published that's related to the exhibition. In about 4 months. Sounds...not really feasible.


Anonymous said...

Free printer and some art supplies doesn't sound bad at all :)