Sunday, January 6, 2008


I'm back! Back in my lovely and just the right size dorm room. The trip down was good, fairly uneventful. Save for the boyfriend losing two hubcaps somewhere in Virginia. Oh well, they didn't match anyway.

Savannah's alright. I don't feel like I left for that long. Classes start tomorrow for us, so that part sucks but I'm fairly pleased with my selection for this quarter. A few Sequential courses should make up for the drawing time I lost over break because of work.

Even though I'm out of the state, work won't stop for me. Which is nice, because I like helping out and love earning money, even if it isn't much. I got a new game today, along with my boyfriend's roommate getting a new t.v. (LG LCD HDTV 22"= lovely looking games!), so that should waste my time accordingly. Huzzah for having a PC that can play games finally!

Once the week picks up I should have more to talk about, but for now I want to relax for the few precious hours I have before class tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

The hubcaps didn't match anyways?? lolol That's a classic! :O)